Anyone living in Colchester is welcome to get involved. Whether you are young and fit or struggling with your mental or physical health. We are happy to take GP or self referrals. Please contact Rob Mann on the telephone number below or visit us at Yarra Farm on a Friday or Saturday between 10am and 4pm.
Our allotment space and planned sensory garden can always use more volunteers. A few hours each week can make a big difference to your wellbeing as well as to the development of the community plot. From simple watering and weeding to sowing, potting-on and harvesting, there is always work to do and plenty of expert horticultural advice on hand. Or, if you just fancy sitting quietly and sharing a lunch outdoors in the spring sunshine, that will be fine too!
Although the commercial activities at Yarra Farm fund the day-to-day operational costs of the farm, we always have projects on the go that can reach fruition much faster with the help of external funding. While large donations towards a specific project are always welcome, we are always happy and grateful to receive small donations through our "Donate" page.